Multi Sector


TwentyFour’s Multi-Sector funds aim to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns throughout the cycle.

They are actively managed, high conviction, unconstrained funds. This allows the portfolio managers to target fixed income opportunities across the global universe of bonds, and dynamically adjust asset allocations to suit evolving economic conditions.

We manage these portfolios independent of any market indices and with a strong focus on relative value, looking to provide investors with an attractive level of income alongside opportunities for capital growth.


4 funds available
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Dynamic Bond Fund
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Flexible Bonds
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
A acc (Net) GBP GB00B5KPRZ34 17.68 5.30% 24 Jul 2024
A inc (Gross) GBP GB00B5M01B05 9.37 5.27% 24 Jul 2024
I Acc (Gross) GBP GB00B5VNH238 204.05 5.59% 24 Jul 2024
I Acc (Net) GBP GB00B5VRV677 189.08 5.57% 24 Jul 2024
I Inc (Gross) GBP GB00B57GX403 97.01 5.57% 24 Jul 2024
I Inc (Net) GBP GB00B57TXN82 96.95 5.57% 24 Jul 2024
M Inc (Gross) GBP GB00B8BG8H54 93.77 5.57% 24 Jul 2024
TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund
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Flexible Bonds
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
Ordinary Share Class GBP GG00BJVDZ946 82.73 10.27% 17 Jul 2024
Vontobel Fund - TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund
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Flexible Bonds
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AH (hedged) EUR LU1380459518 31903287 90.72 4.31% 24 Jul 2024
AH (hedged) USD LU1380459609 31903318 105.36 5.29% 24 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) EUR LU1734078311 39472004 84.24 4.70% 24 Jul 2024
AHN (hedged) CHF LU1683482407 38291774 81.83 3.19% 24 Jul 2024
AQ GBP LU1695534591 38576552 90.88 5.20% 24 Jul 2024
AQG GBP LU1322872018 30446345 93.94 5.67% 24 Jul 2024
AQH (hedged) Gross USD LU1695534674 38576554 88.01 5.23% 24 Jul 2024
AQH (hedged) Gross EUR LU1695534757 38576557 78.45 4.32% 24 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) EUR LU1816229899 41604558 86.37 4.78% 24 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) USD LU1816230046 41604564 96.91 5.71% 24 Jul 2024
AQHI (hedged) USD LU1331792082 30671527 103.09 5.63% 24 Jul 2024
AQHN (hedged) EUR LU1325135033 30514904 85.18 4.65% 24 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) EUR LU1325134226 30514898 85.25 4.77% 24 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU1451580523 33337877 102.61 5.70% 24 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU1322871630 30445597 94.08 5.55% 24 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU1695534328 38576548 91.21 5.65% 24 Jul 2024
G GBP LU1322871713 30445634 136.16 5.67% 24 Jul 2024
H (hedged) USD LU1695535135 38576584 121.23 5.25% 24 Jul 2024
H (hedged) EUR LU1551754515 35380297 111.20 4.31% 24 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) EUR LU1717117623 39078855 111.24 4.80% 24 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) USD LU1717117896 39078859 127.08 5.77% 24 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) USD LU1325144027 30517180 143.21 5.61% 24 Jul 2024
HI (hedged) EUR LU1325141510 30515149 121.69 4.68% 24 Jul 2024
HN (hedged) USD LU1767066431 40236077 124.13 5.61% 24 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) EUR LU1325133921 30514756 123.03 4.77% 24 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) USD LU1695535051 38576583 127.54 5.73% 24 Jul 2024
I GBP LU1322871390 30445160 134.26 5.58% 24 Jul 2024
N GBP LU1322871556 30445263 133.87 5.55% 24 Jul 2024
NG GBP LU1322871986 30446217 135.65 5.65% 24 Jul 2024
Flexible Bonds
Share class Currency ISIN Valor NAV YTD As at
AQG GBP LU2549760085 122680202 102.59 5.54% 25 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) USD LU2549759400 122678960 107.42 5.67% 25 Jul 2024
AQHG (hedged) EUR LU2549760838 122677864 109.85 4.75% 25 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) EUR LU2549761489 122677868 109.85 4.75% 25 Jul 2024
AQHNG (hedged) USD LU2549759582 122680198 112.84 5.68% 25 Jul 2024
AQI GBP LU2549759665 122680199 111.94 5.45% 25 Jul 2024
AQN GBP LU2549760242 122677863 104.15 5.43% 25 Jul 2024
AQNG GBP LU2549759749 122680200 102.42 5.52% 25 Jul 2024
G GBP LU2549760168 122677837 112.27 5.55% 25 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) USD LU2549759152 122678854 112.84 5.68% 25 Jul 2024
HG (hedged) EUR LU2549761059 122677866 109.85 4.75% 25 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) USD LU2549759236 122678955 112.84 5.68% 25 Jul 2024
HNG (hedged) EUR LU2549758345 122680411 109.76 4.66% 25 Jul 2024
I GBP LU2549760598 122677887 111.94 5.45% 25 Jul 2024
N GBP LU2549760325 122677872 111.91 5.44% 25 Jul 2024
NG GBP LU2549761562 122677869 112.19 5.52% 25 Jul 2024

What is Multi-Sector?

There are some $51 trillion of fixed income bonds outstanding worldwide, comprising multiple geographies, currencies, sectors and types of security.

Multi-Sector funds should be able to control risk and harness reward through both ‘top-down’ macro calls and ‘bottom-up’ stock selection.

At TwentyFour, we believe the biggest advantage of a Multi-Sector strategy for our clients is the outsourcing of these ‘big picture’ decisions to the portfolio managers, who will shift positioning quickly in response to continually evolving macro and market views.

Why invest?


Attractive returns

Target attractive returns through steady, repeatable income and capital gain opportunities

Easy to understand

Funds are predominantly long-only, unlevered, and simple to understand, with sparing use of hedging tools in response to specific macro events

Capital preservation

A strong focus on the unwritten rule of fixed income - capital preservation at all times


Relative value

Unconstrained strategy allows managers to tactically shift portfolio weightings, helping them to capture relative value opportunities as economic and market conditions change

Stock selection

Added value through both 'bottom-up' stock selection as well as 'top-down' macro calls

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