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TwentyFour acknowledges the community at large as one of our stakeholders, and we seek to make a positive impact beyond our investing activities. The firm places an emphasis on in-kind support, and our staff are keen to put their skills to work directly benefiting the wider community.


TwentyFour currently partners with the following initiatives:

Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) Mentoring scheme

QMUL was recognised as the most inclusive Russell Group University in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021, and continues to prove that social inclusion and academic success are not mutually exclusive. More than 90% of its students are from state schools, 75% are BAME and 49% are the first in their family to enter higher education. Further, in 2021, a Sutton Trust report named QMUL as the best university for social mobility in the UK. Partnering closely with QMUL therefore enables TwentyFour to support widening participation in asset management.

Recognising the disproportionately low representation of women within financial services, we are proud to work in partnership with QMUL on a mentoring scheme designed to encourage female students to consider the benefits of a career in finance. Staff members use the skills they have developed in the workplace to help students make informed career choices, develop employability skills, and gain confidence applying for roles.

We were delighted to offer a number of Queen Mary students paid summer work placements in 2021, 2022, and 2023, and look forward to offering more places in 2024. Given many of these students have had no prior experience of working in the City, work placements provide invaluable, hands-on learning alongside key employability skills, supported by internal workshops such as interviewing skills and CV clinics.

In 2022 and 2023 we ran taster sessions at our London office where students heard from people in a range of roles at TwentyFour, with the aim of offering students an insight into the various career paths open to them within asset management.
Our aim is to encourage as many students as possible to consider the benefits of a career within finance and specifically asset management, and to not let any perceived disadvantage stop them from achieving this. 

The industry has a long way to go to address the diversity imbalance, but by focusing on the grassroots and increasing accessibility to university students, such as those from Queen Mary, we believe we can make a difference. 


10000 Black Interns Scheme 

TwentyFour is proud to participate in the #10000BlackInterns initiative, which addresses the under-representation of black talent in financial services in the UK. 

10,000 Black Interns was set up to transform the horizons and prospects of young Black people in the UK by offering access to paid internships across a wide range of industries, as well as world-class training and development.  

2095 internships were offered in 2022, and we were delighted to offer two talented students a paid opportunity to work within our own Portfolio Management teams over a 6 week period.  We are also looking forward to participating again in 2023, as one of the 700+ companies who have pledged to offer Summer internships. 

To find out more please visit  and see below to read more about the experience of our last interns, Masimba and Kelvin.

Masimba Mumvanga 


"Don't second guess yourself and apply to a range of sectors. You never know where you may end up and you never know if it may end up being the sector you want to pursue a career in."

Masimba Mumvanga

Masimba Mumvanga


What was the best learning experience of your internship?
The best learning experience of the internship for me was probably interacting with different members of the firm and getting an insight into what they do. Speaking to people from across TwentyFour helped me to gain a better understanding of how all the functions come together to help the firm perform and meet the needs of its clients. 

Were you always considering a role in Asset Management?
I had considered Asset Management before but I did not know much about it. This experience allowed me to get first-hand experience working in the industry and has given me a better understanding of the sector.

What was your favourite project you’ve worked on?
It's difficult to say one in particular, but I enjoyed the research projects I did for MSB and OD. They gave me a good insight into the roles performed by these teams and the types of information and resources they use to inform their decisions.

What advice would you give to people thinking about applying?
Don't second guess yourself and apply to a range of sectors. You never know where you may end up and you never know if it may end up being the sector you want to pursue a career in.

Where did you hear about #10000BlackInterns?
I saw the programme when it was first advertised as 100 Black Interns

Do you think you would have landed the role without #10000BlackInterns?
It's difficult to say. Before the interview with TwentyFour, I had final round interviews with a few financial services firms.

Kelvin Asare 


"I really enjoyed my experience in Asset Management. I feel there is a seat for me at the table within this industry and it is a place where I will be able to grow and develop."

Kelvin Asare

Kelvin Asare


What was the best learning experience of your internship?
My best learning experience was speaking to numerous stakeholders across the company’s organisational structure and identifying how the different lines of business interlinked with each other and help the firm operative effectively.

Were you always considering a role in Asset Management?
I have considered a role in Asset Management. I have been captivated by how a range of assets such as bonds, stocks and real estate are sensitive to an array of different variables, from inflation to the latest geopolitical tensions - informing our expectations of the future and overall market sentiment. Given the current economic environment caused by the pandemic and emerging market turmoil, I believe it is an exciting time to be involved in encompassed client services and asset classes.

What was your favourite project you’ve worked on?
My favourite project I worked on was an ESG and financial analysis of many investment-grade and high-yield rated firms. From this exercise I learnt a lot about how best to use the top-down and bottom-up approaches to analyse a firm accurately. Also, I learnt about what metrics to review to understand a firm's strengths and weaknesses.

Do you now feel like there’s a seat for you at the table in Asset Management? 
I really enjoyed my experience in Asset Management. I feel there is a seat for me at the table within this industry and it is a place where I will be able to grow and develop. I have been able to learn a lot throughout my internship. For example, I have a better understanding of the several strategies used (and where to invest across the capital structure) in the different stages of an economic cycle and what risks to consider. Also, being able to work with senior and experienced individuals helped me to gain a wide breadth of knowledge. If the opportunity arises in the future, it will be something I'll be interested in.

What advice would you give to people thinking about applying?
I would highly recommend applying and attending the workshops hosted by #10000BlackInterns. It is a great opportunity and the workshops will equip you with the knowledge needed to succeed in interviews and throughout your internship.

Where did you hear about #10000BlackInterns?
#10000BlackInterns helped me prepare well for my applications. This was done through the use of webinars to upskill myself, which gave me the knowledge needed to obtain the role at TwentyFour Assest Management.

Do you think you would have landed the role without #10000BlackInterns?
#10000BlackInterns helped me prepare well for my applications. This was done through the use of webinars to upskill myself, which gave me the knowledge needed to obtain the role at TwentyFour Assest Management.


Investment 2020 

TwentyFour are pleased to be a part of Investment 20/20, offering young people their first job in the City through 12-month paid trainee roles. Investment 20/20, part of The Investment Association, provides a high-quality route through to a career in investment management and provides access to a large network of companies committed to helping graduates, school and college leavers start, grow and succeed in the industry. 

To find out more please visit and see below to read more about the experience of Sadie, our marketing trainee.

Sadie Hurley 


"I would definitely recommend applying ... it is an amazing opportunity to learn the skills you don’t always gain from the classroom, especially taking advantage of all the events and insight evenings."

Sadie Hurley

Sadie Hurley


What has been the best learning experience of your internship so far?
My best experience so far would be gaining a deeper understanding of the business as a whole and how the company operates with others in the market. As well as effectively communicating with co-workers and expanding my knowledge within the asset management sector. 

Were you always considering a role in Asset Management? Why did you choose to apply for this role?
I have always known that I wanted a role in the finance industry but was unsure which area I wanted to go into. I had a vague understanding of asset management but considered roles across the sector. I enjoyed reading about the financial markets and found it especially interesting given the economic climate during the pandemic. I knew I wanted to have a more creative role which is why this marketing trainee scheme appealed to me.

What is your favourite project you’ve worked on so far?
My favourite project I have worked on so far is a ‘Competitor Analysis for our Fund & Events Pages’ comparing many leading asset management firms. I gained a significant amount of knowledge and transferable skills. For example, presentation skills and the ability to analyse and compare webpages effectively.

Do you now feel like there’s a seat for you at the table in Asset Management?
I am looking forward to starting my IMC exam which will help me gain the extensive knowledge I need to further progress my career.

What advice would you give to people thinking about applying? 
I would definitely recommend applying for Investment 20/20. It is an amazing opportunity to learn the skills you don’t always gain from the classroom, especially taking advantage of all the events and insight evenings. Most importantly, the new connections you build with those whose interests align with your own are invaluable.

Where did you hear about Investment 20/20?
I heard about Investment 20/20 through my sixth form careers officer, she originally introduced me to the programme when I expressed my interest in the financial sector. I then decided that investment management was something that I wanted to learn more about.

Do you think you would have landed the role without investment20/20? 
Investment20/20 exposed me to a range opportunities within the industry, that I wouldn’t of been able to find otherwise.

What do you plan on doing once your internship has finished?
I hope to gain a role within our marketing team at TwentyFour Asset Management.


GAIN (Girls Are INvestors) 

TwentyFour are excited to be partnering with GAIN as a corporate sponsor. 

GAIN is a charity set up to inspire young women and non-binary candidates into the investment industry to help improve gender diversity through career support, development and internships. In 2024, TwentyFour will be offering an internship and supporting other GAIN initiatives across the year. 

To find out more please visit